There are many great running and tri groups in the area. As a Non-Profit, RRCA Certified Club, Northside Running is a great place to get in shape, train, and meet other runners within the community: whether your dream is to complete a 5k or train for an Ironman. We encourage all types of athletes. Fast, slow, big, small, young, old…if you show up, we are rooting for you and we truly find joy in your success. We offer accountability. We are here to encourage, inspire and never intimidate. We are here to show you that by doing hard work, you can do hard things. Go at your own pace, the choice is yours, and the possibilities are endless.
Now is the time to start.
Tomorrow is not guaranteed.
Join us.
There are many great running and tri groups in the area. As a Non-Profit RRCA Certified Club, Northside Running is a great place to get in shape, train, and meet other runners within the community: whether your dream is to complete a 5k or train for an Ironman. We encourage all types of athletes. Fast, slow, big, small, young, old…if you show up, we are rooting for you and we truly find joy in your success. We offer accountability. We are here to encourage, inspire and never intimidate. We are here to show you that by doing hard work, you can do hard things. Go at your own pace, the choice is yours, and the possibilities are endless.
It is our mission to unite runners and triathletes of all ages, backgrounds, and abilities to foster a spirit of camaraderie, motivate and inspire one another to meet personal goals, share training experiences, and find joy in one another’s successes. Through training, group runs, participation in local events, and miles spent sweating in the Texas heat, Northside supports individual improvement, health, friendship and fun.
Northside Running is committed to creating a happy and healthy community of athletes in and around The Woodlands, TX to promote and encourage our shared love of running and exercising in a positive environment.
Core Values
Diversity and Inclusion
Support all Members’ goals – from runners trying to PR to those starting a new health journey
Improve ourselves with no regard to age, cultural differences, gender, pace or experience
Share a love of running, biking, swimming and exercising
Share information on race and running activities in the community
Provide a way for people to meet other athletes and learn from one another
User our passion for running to build friendships
Support our local running community
Provide training opportunities
Welcome athletes from all walks of life
Leave no athlete behind
Have fun